Saturday, March 26, 2011

Masculinity Paper

I did on time but just forgot to post it


  1. This link does not work. You need to post your assignments on time, especially when I am waiting to pair you up for peer review.Go back to the post in which you posted the link. To do this: click on New Post, then click on Edit Posts, click on Edit next to the post in which you included the link. The post window will open. Highlight the link you posted and then click Link, which is in the bar with spellcheck, bold, italics, etc. This will change the link that you posted into blue, underlined text, or a working link.

    *If this does not work, simply post your first draft as a blog post on your blog.

  2. Sorry Johnn but my computer is acting up and being very slow. Your link works, so ingore the part of my pervious comment regarding this issue.

  3. Please peer review Deshawn Coy's paper.

  4. A)After reading your essay for ENG 101, I was pleased. I was easily able to detect your thesis statement, at the end of your introduction. Also, it was great that you concluded your paper with your premise, that left the reader to think abstractively.

    B)For your first argument, I saw that you talked about instinction between men and women, and you included your reference(book). I also like how you mentioned science, how we are limited to change who we are We both know that this is a contraversial issue. Your next body, I like how you mentioned the testes as being part of the male body, and you educated me on something that I didnt know. Also you mentioned how it was okay for a female to cry in public and not acceptable for males to cry in public. Wouldnt we criticized that person and call them a faggot? One your other bodies, you talked aout the signifance of the pose of "you" and how it was suppose to portray toughness and masculinity. You told the audience you were told to stand in that position because if you were to slouch like a female it wouldnt fit societal norms.


  5. A)After reading your essay for ENG 101, I was pleased. I was easily able to detect your thesis statement, at the end of your introduction. Also, it was great that you concluded your paper with your premise, that left the reader to think abstractively.

    B)For your first argument, I saw that you talked about instinction between men and women, and you included your reference(book). I also like how you mentioned science, how we are limited to change who we are We both know that this is a contraversial issue. Your next body, I like how you mentioned the testes as being part of the male body, and you educated me on something that I didnt know. Also you mentioned how it was okay for a female to cry in public and not acceptable for males to cry in public. Wouldnt we criticized that person and call them a faggot? One your other bodies, you talked aout the signifance of the pose of "you" and how it was suppose to portray toughness and masculinity. You told the audience you were told to stand in that position because if you were to slouch like a female it wouldnt fit societal norms.

    C) your conclusion was great as I mentioned you converted your points.

    D)Your biggest strengths were your ability to convey your thoughts to the reader. Also establishing a premise.

    E) It was a good paper I felt that you should have answered the real questions how can one determine the two in a picture
