The Hangover focuses on a group of man trying to find their lost buddy after a night of partying. This movie falls under the category of Bromance a term for close male relationships. The movie portrays the different type of male stereotypes there are including: the one that is too nice and is pussywhipped, the weird male and the tough cursing male that does whatever he wants. The relationships between males seem a intricate and puzzling one specially the ones considered Bromances. These bromances seem to fall under their own category because they stick together forming close bonds and yet some might see it as man being too close so they could be seen as possibly being homosexuals. But the bonds these male form also serve the purpose of actually boosting each others masculinity whether it be that they win or lose girls or to see who can out drink each other. As Grazian states in his article males go through "collective rituals of confidence building." (325). This is clearly portrayed in the movie because right before they go to have a night of partying, booze, hookers and drugs they gather around together in a rooftop to drink and celebrate the night that hasn't even happened yet. The get together drink and hurdle together maybe in order to boost their confidence or maybe to just have a good time, but either way if there were no males around would it still be the same? Would a lonely person drink and get ready before going out? Perhaps. The movie makes it seem as if man although needing woman need man more in order to approve of each other behaviors.
Works Cited:
Grazian, David. "The Girl Hunt: Urban Nightlife and the Performance of Masculinity as Collective Activity." Men's Lives. Ed. Michael S. Kimmel and Michael A. Messner. 8th ed. Allyn & Bacon, 2010. 320-37. Print.
The Hangover. Dir. Todd Phillips. Perf. Zach Galifianakis, Bradley Cooper, and Justin Bartha. Warner Brothers. Pictures, 2009. DVD.
This is a good paragraph which makes a connection between the movie and Grazian's article but you have no topic sentence? Also the parts of your documentation for Grazian's article are not in the correct order. Please proofread this paragraph a bit: "The relationships between males seem a intricate and puzzling one specially the ones considered Bromances"? Relationships cannot be one.Also "man although needing woman need man"?