Monday, May 2, 2011

Blog Post #8

Thesis: Men it seems will always be judged one way or another whether it be going to "female   jobs or moving up in "female" jobs. To be fair it seems you have to be unfair to everyone no matter what. Williams, Christine.  “The Glass Escalator: Hidden Advantages for Men in the “Female” Professions." Men’s Lives. Eds. Michael S. Kimmel and Michael A. Messner. New York: Allyn & Bacon, 2001. 211-224. Print.        This article compares man and women advantages and disadvantages in what is considered "male" and "female" professions. In the article it states that that men in female jobs are pushed up by an invisible glass escalator which are due to their expectations of being in the more "male" positions within their jobs such as administration. While women encounter a glass ceiling in male position jobs.         The author (Christine) took time and put time and effort in conducting her own interviews according to "... the coding techniques described by Strauss (1987). She interviewed 76 men 23 women over the course of 6 years. She also draws from the census and has a good list of References.         My thesis is not very strong and isn't necessarily reflected in the text itself but even though its main focus is on how men are pushed in the glass escalator by invisible forces she states in the end that " Sex segregation is two-way street". In my thesis I state that to be fair you have to be unfair so not only do you have to remove the privileges that men have in "female" professions but also the advantages women have in "male" professions such as being treated too nicely.


  1. This is an effective annotated bibliographic entry for Williams. But I think there are several examples that you could draw on from Williams' article/study to support your thesis, particularly, the issue of men being judged/questioned/looked down upon for entering 'female' professions. Think about it a bit more. Also, don't you think labeling professions as "female professions" stereotypes the workers and the work they perform?

  2. Please change the text to white as it is very hard to read/see your posts.
